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5 Reason Why We Should Wake Up Early and not Sleep Again in the Morning

Hi Everyone. Today I want to share my thought about a routine : Wake up Early

There’s a lot of people including me ever have a trouble in Waking up early every single morning.
It’s just feels like we’re need another minutes to makes our body ‘ready’ for any activities We should done on the day, however, no matter how many minutes I stay on my bed just to prepare myself, I keep feeling tired when I finally take my first step off from the bed, especially if I fall asleep again.

Even when you dressed up ready, sometimes the bed magnetic effect is just too strong!

I believe it’s not only happen to me but also a lot of us. We spend more time lying on the bed after wake up because We ‘Think’ that’s what our body wants but Why it’s still not give us a pleasant feeling even though We sleep longer?

It’s actually happening as your brain has set up a ‘timing’ for your body to ‘sleep’ and ’wake up’. Just take an example, you usually wake up at 7 AM or, you have slept for 8 hours but suddenly you just feels the magnetic system in your bed is stronger than usual, then you ended up sleeping more minutes/ hours. Your brain will be confused as it doesn’t recognize this ‘new’ schedule then it decided to put the body in deep sleep mode. It’s sure feel not good when you wake up at 2 AM so sudden right? Yes, that’s the same condition that’s happening to you when you wake up after an extra snuggling under the blankets in the morning.

Hmmmm. No more '5 minutes again?'

So the conclusion is? Well, try not to sleep again after you wake up. It’s maybe hard for the first few times however you can handle it with a little compromise. Set your alarm for extra 15 minutes and you need to wake up at least on the time when alarm turned on. If not, your body will decided to put you back on deep sleep mode and you know how your day will be after that.

You might be feels it’s not fair as you deserve to rest more on holiday however: Hey it’s up to you how you want your holiday will be. If you want to just snuggling under the blanket all day after a long week work, or even though I will not suggest it, you have a big project that cause you to sleep at 3 AM , it’s your choice to wake up in the afternoon. But, if you want to makes your day off more useful and meaningful, the only things you need to do first is: Wake Up Early.

Wake up early in the morning at least at 6 AM even in your day off will give yourself more time for preparation and planning your day or even your whole weeks.
Trust me, if you wake up later than 8 AM you will give yourself a lot of excuse to do things. Like “Nah, I will do this at 10. Or at 1.” then it’ll ended up throw a full day for not a single things done (Even take a bath sometimes)

I try it on myself and it’s has changed my holiday so much. I’m able to finish lot of house chores such as: Cleaning my room and the entire house , makes my own breakfast and lunch, washing, fold my clothes even take all my dogs for bath. The feeling after see the sun rises makes my mood better and I could plan lot of things with clear mind in the morning. I also didn’t need to be hurried up to go to work on my daily basis because I give myself a spare time to prepare myself well and go to work. 

Finally a quiet breakfast time!

After wash my face, I also drink two glass of water to makes my body feels hydrated in the beginning of the day. It’s also makes me full enough to wait for my breakfast done.
If you still not sure about why you should put this habit on,  here’s some benefits by wake up early in the morning, which I have experienced by myself:

The Benefits of Wake up Early
1.     I feel fresher after wake up from the right hour of sleep.
I try to always sleep at least 10 PM and wake up at least at 6 AM to get enough sleep every day and it’s makes me so happy to wake up fresh and not tired like I’m not sleep at all but walking all way long to other dimension.
2.     By wake up earlier, I could prepare a lot of things like clean up my bed, makes my breakfast and my lunch in the office, prepare my uniform even  I successfully give myself a spare time to planning my day while drink my morning juice. This is things that will never happen if I back to my old habit sleeping at 11 and wake up at 7.30.
3.     I don’t need to be rushing to go to work as I could go to work on time while still could prepare all my needs.
4.    Because I made my own breakfast and lunch, I save more money by not buying lunch or breakfast on the way or by delivery. I will talk about this more in other post on how changing my bad habit could save me lot of rupiahs than it usually is.
5.    By wake up in the morning, I could finish more work or plan than before. I’m not really sure how this give an impact to my working situation but it’s true that I could finish more project than months ago before I applied this behavior in my life. Maybe because I could think clearer so everything just run so smooth like my hair. Lol.

There’s still a lot of benefit you could get by wake up early and not back to sleep, and you only could figure it out by try to apply it on your daily behavior. If you find it’s hard, here’s some suggestion I could give to you:

Suggestion of How to Start a Good Sleep Routine
1.    Don’t sleep too late. Whatever you do try to sleep at least at 10 PM so you could give your body time for rest. Forget the Webtoon you want to read at 11 PM or midnight movie you want to watch right away that time. I know it sounds so mean but by try to control yourself more, you show your love and care to your own body because hey, it’s their time to rest after all those hanging out and work in the afternoon. Would you like to work 24 hours nonstop? No? then Yes , your body hate it too.

2.     Don’t drink coffee before sleep. Instead, drink water to help your digestive system work well. Drink coffee could makes some people cannot sleep soon so if you wish to have a good sleep and an awesome feeling to wake up early, don’t drink any kind of caffeine at night .
3. Don't use your phone before sleep. I know it's hard even for me myself. Sometimes I still cheating on this one because I always want to check my Social Media before I go to sleep but it's feels better to avoid your phone if you want a good sleep quality.

4. Meditating for 5 minutes before sleep. It will give your body a relax feeling so you could sleep better. I’ve done this for 2 months and it’s amazingly makes me sleep better. I always hate to dream in my sleep because my body will feels tired when I wake up. But if I meditating before sleep, I was able to sleep without any dream at all and wake up as fresh as a handpicked tomato! If you not sure how to, just try to sit straight but still relax (try to find your best position) and put your Music player or Youtube on any Natural/Forest  sounds for 5 minutes. There’s a lot option there and the only things you need to do next is take a deep breath, hold it, then let it out. It has a same concept like Pranayama in Hinduism praying routine which you’re told to take a breath (Om Ang Namah) , Hold it (Om Ung Namah) , and let it out (Om Mang Namah) . By doing this you will feels more relax and ready for a good sleep. Never let your mind go anywhere except to your breath. If it’s hard to concentrate on your breath and you easily got distracted by many things for your first try, it’s OK, a baby step is always better than none. By doing this everyday on daily basis, you will be able to control your breath more and feels relaxed as well. It’s only takes 5 minutes and it’s not hurting so just try it ;).  I also suggest to do meditation after you wake up and you will feels amazing ;)

Please let me know if you have tried this and how it’s work on you. I will love to know how this habit work for other people as I share these thought because I could take the benefit from my own self.
Have an awesome day!




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